Ormus And The Moon
A few years ago, we were making a batch of wet method precipitate with dead sea salt. We were making six batches in six one-gallon jars. We had done the precipitate procedure but were running late for an appointment and had to leave immediately.
Usually this material was left on an island in our kitchen and covered with towels to keep dust or anything out. As we were late it was left out on the kitchen counter near the window.
The appointment ran very late and we were so tired we just went to bed. In the early morning, before daylight, one of us was up and with a beautiful full moon it was easy to see through the house. I checked the Ormus, which was exposed to the moonlight, and voila! The precipitate had settled nicely but it had settled on a slope that was an inch deeper on the side nearest the moon, in all six separate gallon jars.
How is it possible that a liquid can be on a slope inside another liquid? The only scientific explanation is that it was being acted on by an external force. If this was the case, it gave us something to contemplate.
Our reasoning is this.
This is an anomaly.
All our answers are in the anomalies.
As part of our research, Riki and I mine the internet for information and curiosities. After all the internet is the greatest library of human kind in history.
Previous research on Rudolph Steiner and the Anthroposophists, and on biodynamic gardening practices came to mind. Part of these practices incorporated a planting protocol that said to plant on the surface tiny seeds like lettuce or broccoli that require little to no soil covering during the full moon and within 3 days either side of the full moon. Deeper sown seeds and root veggies are done on or 3 days within the new moon.
These protocols were experiential and resulted in a hundred years of experimental results and comparison pictures of yields. These practices still continue today as the yield is superior and the work load lessened, an economic benefit.
When you find cross references between anomalies, explanations appear that are usually trustworthy and then can be built upon. The moonlight draws ormus toward it and draws it toward the top of the soil for the surface seeds. The lesser draw of the greatly reduced reflection at new moon allows the ormus to recede back into the soil, thus allowing the superior circumstances of planting the deeper garden seeds, potatoes etc.
Another anomaly that most of us are familiar with is that when an answer arrives it usually creates more questions, such is the study of nature, it will always keep your interest if you are curious.
It will lead you if you allow.
The question in this case involves the world tides. We are told that they are controlled by the gravity of the moon, but theoretically the gravity of the moon should not change as it is always the same size. True, it orbits in a slight ellipse around the earth but that is negligible. The one thing we all see is a change in the amount of light the moon reflects and the quality of light it reflects. It is said that the the reflected light is 1/500,000ths of the light of the sun and that the range and frequencies of that light are unique due to the reflective composition of materials on the moon.
Look at the sometimes odd behaviours of some animals and arrest records of people at full moon. What is at play here? Are we being affected, dogs and wolves howling at the moon and mood changes in people? There is info in various bureaucratic records that defy explanation -- another anomaly?
We have extracted about 1/6th volume of precipitate from ocean water. If this ratio of material is reactive to the lunar cycle and is drawn toward full moon, could the ebb and flow cycles of tides be from light and not the gravity as taught in school?
Another anomaly of the moon is that the same face always presents itself toward the earth. It is as though the reflective properties of the moon are designated. The reason for this phenomenon is that in order for the moon to present the same face as it moves in an elliptical orbit around the earth it must alter its rate of presentation to us, speeding up its rate of rotation as it nears the ends of the ellipse and slowing down on the long sides of the ellipse. This happens twice a month in its 29-day cycle.
It would seem that looking into this collection of anomalies presents a reasonable conclusion that all life is affected by the moon, a celestial body. Could other celestial bodies also affect us? Absolutely. Our sun allows us to exist, the moon is a tuning tool. What about other celestial bodies? Probably, perhaps to a lesser or different degree.
Could the other planets of our solar system affect the Ormus materials in our bodies? We believe that 5 to 10 percent of our physical weight is in the Ormic form of materials (the chemically inert form, like the inert gasses).
Could this be the basis for astrological readings based on your conditions of origin? Do your Ormic materials reorient themselves and act as a snapshot in time from when you were presented to the world?
Making Ormus at full moon garners an interesting energetic input. You also input your energies into the process by your state of being at that time.
Making Ormus during the spring and fall equinoxes also can be an interesting time as a celestial balance between sunlight and moonlight is in process. The light to dark ratio passes through a precise 12 hours of each.
Celestial events in the spring were regarded by ancients with great respect and reverence as they were times of rejuvenation in the north. This would be a time of sequestering for the winter in the south. Was the recognition of the equinoxes coming from people that were far more in tune with nature? I think so, and there is a great deal more to learn.
All this learning is presented to each of us within our own space should we just choose to observe.
by Dave Kane