This derivative of our M3 has been created starting with blessed spring water from north central Ontario Canada. It is empowered (or imprinted) with Peace, Love, Heath, and Intelligence for the end user.
This derivative of our M3 starts with blessed spring water from north central Ontario Canada. We empower (or imprint) it with Peace, Love, Heath, and Intelligence for the end user. In addition, we were blessed to be able to make two other separate batches at two other sacred native ceremonies, with permission.
The first was the Native Elders Convention, sunrise ceremony in Peterborough Ontario. This particular morning also coincided with a 4 planet alignment, considered by many to be the beginning of Aquarius. This Ormus was imprinted with Peace, Health and Harmony.
We made the second batch on the evening of the third eclipse, at another Native ceremony in Petroglyffs Park by the 8000 year old teaching rock. This is a rock inscribed with centuries of intergenerational ancient lessons of the Anishnabe People of this region. The Ormus was once again made within the heart of the sacred fire. The ormus was imprinted with Love and Awakening as these people learn their their own origins, It will help us to discover our place.
These two Ormuses have special properties to pass on to the recipients.
The starting base M3 has been infused with these two special batches yielding a very positive ormus. The name came from repeated comments using the words balance and absolute balance in the description of people using it.