M-3 supplies a broad base of natural ormus minerals with high points of ormus gold, rhodium and iridium in their monoatomic states.
Our HumannaGold Ormus M-3 is a careful blend made from the extracts of 3 ancient salts prepared and balanced to have great effect in correcting mineral imbalances that lead to cancers and other chronic ailments. Once these imbalances are corrected the problem is usually rectified by the body’s own blueprint effecting the appropriate corrections. M-3 supplies a broad base of natural ormus minerals with high points of ormus gold, rhodium and iridium in their monoatomic states.
Once the body is supplemented with these desperately short supply materials it can then invoke its own healing protocols. The results are astounding but differ in the uniquely different physical, emotional, and spiritual attributes of each individual. All of the Ormus materials we have seen to date seem to allow the body to effect corrections at the genetic level.
Specific diets allow some correction at this level depending on the foods and the ormic materials that that particular food plant concentrates, albeit, probably for its own benefit primarily. Good diet is not to be dismissed. Oemus will help the body correct many conditions as these trace ormic materials are absent in many of todays foods.
A good diet is very important, avoidance or reduction of junk foods and sodas will help considerably in the long run.
It is also important to look at your proximity to electro-magnetic field exposures, ie: cell phones, cordless phones, cell towers, WiFi devices, florescent lamps, (curly bulbs). These fields can also affect your ormus. Ormus must be stored correctly in a room away from electro-magnetically fields (not in the kitchen). Leave the foil on the bottle, just opening the top, and keep it in a metal biscuit tin or a tea tin or metal filing cabinet or a metal pot with a metal lid. This helps lessen the field effects on the ormus.