Save the packaging and opt for our refill bottle! This 8oz refill bottle is perfect for topping up your favourite Ormus Magnesium Spray.
Need the spray bottle? Click here to get our single bottle or click here to order a pack of 6 bottles, perfect for sharing with family and friends!
Here are just some of the ways our customers have used this product:
"I just wanted to say thank you, and let you know that for once I found something that works! I got to your booth and met you both. Then you sprayed my back, then after about 15 minutes, I did not feel any pain, I mean none at all .... I was actually able to be out all day! Not drugged up at home, not in pain while I was out, but out, dealing with everything and doing what I could do until 4:30. It was fantastic. I will be buying your product, I will get some for my dad also, who has arthritis in his back and being that mine is the start of the same thing, I am hoping it will help him also." - Norma
"This product is amazing. I’ve used it on painful joints, often with instant pain relief and smoother movement ..... I recently broke two bones in my left foot and the spray gives an amazing tingling sensation, a bit like coming out of the cold into warmth. I also get substantial relief and loosening." - Steve
"I had really embarrassing levels of psoriasis on my scalp since I was a young teenager .... The magnesium rub reduced it to zero within a few months, and haven’t seen it since .... Best investment I’ve ever made and will continue to make." - Ian
"My 19 year old son has had medium bad acne for years now. I gave him the magnesium spray to try out and it cleared up in less than a week and the scarring went away in two." - Chris
"I cannot thank you enough .... I have sprayed it on my calves, mostly the right one, about 4 times today, and my legs have felt the most relief from that than from anything else I have used in the last 2-3 weeks." - B
"I have never found any product like this one. Its almost too good to be true. But it isn’t. I suffer from fibromyalgia. I have had so much pain relief in my hands and calves with this product .... I will continue to order this product for myself and others." - Shauna
"I am seeing even more improvement in my knee problems. I will be ordering more real soon since I am about out and I want to continue the healing of my knee problem!" - Gary
"One good spray on really itchy mosquito and spider bites gives instant relief. And the bites fade and stop itching almost overnight. I have been having an allergic reaction to the bites this year, and the Magnesium spray is the only thing that keeps them from swelling up to silver dollar size." - Pat
"our excellent magnesium rub/spray .... has almost completely cured some very painful callouses I had on my left foot, which nothing else at all relieved and I thought I’d have to go to a chiropodist to get it fixed. But twice daily spraying the bottom of my foot has cleared up the problem almost completely. So it’s amazing stuff!" - Mac