Ormus leads toward balance in right and left brain electrical activity in the alpha and theta ranges. This leads to a greater clarity of thought and decision making, greater patience and a reduction of stress.
Some of the benefits of Ormus Gold are becoming better known. It is an important natural material in which we seem to be chronically deficient. Ormus materials are generally considered to be a fifth state of matter(solid, liquid, gas. plasma, ormus). We know that the ormus materials are repelled by many electro-magnetic fields, and considering how we live today, with our proximity to these fields via cell phones, cordless phones, WiFi, cell towers, power corridors, florescent lights, and other transmitting devices, we need to give this some serious thought.
Five percent of the human brain and nervous system are composed of ormic materials which we lose due to the ever increasing electro-magnetic proximity. Strong fields can force Ormus, not only from our body, but through steel and even lead by a process called Josephson's Tunneling. It can be forced through molecular structures. This induction can be caused by our home appliances, particularly transmitting phones and microwaves etc.
Experimenters have reported many changes with ormus supplementations. Hair stops falling out as evidenced by empty hair brushes, skin tags and many moles seem to leave for better venue.Ormus leads toward balance in right and left brain electrical activity in the alpha and theta ranges. This leads to a greater clarity of thought and decision making, greater patience and a reduction of stress.The feeling of balance and clarity becomes the norm as it was originally designed in the human being. Meditation comes more easily, and deeper.